The result (the sketchnote) is not bad. I managed to get the essential of 18 pages (of notes) down to only 1!

For those who don't know, I did a session of coaching with Mia, an amazing visual sketchnoter who said yes to try an offer than I'm designing at the moment.

This one page has the key elements of her values and how her own way of doing things needs to be respected to help her feel aligned with herself.

Bear in mind that it was my first "vibe" drawing even though it's a project that has been maturing for years, even before I got really serious (ie: practice a lot) about sketchnoting.

So this is a dream really coming true. ??

Because I can use both my intuitive skills (usually expressed out-loud only through feedback with no record of it in a live session) and my newfound skills as a sketchnoter, I get to create a piece that will be a reminder of the conversation and the vibe of that person. That brings me a lot of joy!

It's also great as I get to build my own "body of work" and my confidence in my drawing ability.

It's a win-win situation. ?

I know I'm on the right track and I'm very happy about the overall experience...

The only thing that made me doubt these last few day is the way I felt about the piece after I shared it with Mia. Something was missing and I had a hard time finding what it was...

You see my intention is for people to recognize their vibe - their energy - on the page so that they can both realign themselves and have a reminder of how beautiful they are.

I'm definitely in the learning phase right now and I'm not yet pleased with the result...

I think I know why. I certainly lack skills but I think that I just didn't focused on getting Mia's vibe when I met her. I asked other questions about her life experience and I helped her reconnect to the beautiful resources she has within. But that's a totally different offer that certainly takes more time... which I'm very happy to do. ?

It was really lovely & it made me appreciate Mia even more (if that's even possible). I never "met" her before that session. We chatted many times though... she's not only a visual artist but also a musician and she told me she dabbled as well in theater. And I have the feeling that she has many other artistic talents...

But coming back to the subject at hand here, the goal was to practice doing a sketchnote vibe so that clients get to feel what I do without having to invest a lot of energy and money in this quick and low-cost offer...

So yeah I did some practicing alright! ? But not the right kind! ?

So what do I have to do now?

Well, I'd need to do what I was supposed to do in the first place: another one solely focused on Mia's vibe this time. The great thing for her is that because we already scheduled a meeting and because I know how to do my thing in a very short time (15 to 2o min) that won't be an annoyance for her. I know she's very busy right now...

I hope to have it done by the end of the week and present my offer to you by next week.

Thank you so much for your patience. ?

In the meantime, ✨️shine your vibe✨️ folks! ?