I have worked on that one for a while now and before I make it official in the beginning of next year, I wanted to run it by you. I have another program of coaching though which I need to see if I am keeping for 2024 on top of this one that I am going to present here (if you want to check it out, here it is

So here is the why, the what & the how of this new program:

1. Why

We have been taught to view our strengths as weaknesses to fit in the culture and society we live in, forcing us to live out of alignment from ourselves (our core) which led to act and hide our true selves.  The results? Massive loss of energy, lack of purpose and clarity on how to lead our own life, making us dependent on others to tell us how to live.

I believe that by reconnecting and listening to our inner core we can reclaim our inner knowing and act from that inner compass, embodying our values and shine our vibe.

2. What

Here is where the journey begins:

The CORE Base program:

Clarify your resources - which are your skills, values, knowledge base, viewpoint, vibe,...
utline your vision - which is what you are compelled to do, that feels right and resonates*
e-energize your self - thanks to an individualized self-care kit**
stablish your boundaries - to develop self-reliance & intuition***

* no matter how scared you are or how impractical it looks like
** Sustaining your vision and manifesting it feels oftentimes impossible to do because of the energy that is needed to break through our patterns. But oftentimes we are making it way more tiring that it could be. Our own individualized self-care kit helps us along our journey to make manifest our vision.
*** We also need to establish strong boundaries to feel safe and solid within ourselves and avoid buying in the projection of others. But also to discern when to listen to our gut - and go within - & when or how to ask the right people for help.

This coaching program will help you reconnect to your inner core in a flowing and individualized manner.

3. How

Well, for this one I am still unsure to be honest. My intention is to have that program up & ready by January or February 2024 (on my birthday).

But I still don't know if this should be:
A. individualized or grouped,
B. online or presential (to begin with),
C. a course or a coaching program
D. other.

I have no idea and that is why I need your help on that one.

I'd like to be ready and even find a tight-knit group of 4 to 6 people to try that out before the big launch next year.

What do you think?

You can drop your thoughts on LinkedIn or Mastodon. You can also drop me a message if you prefer.

Meanwhile, let me thank you so much for your time and don't forget, "Shine your Vibe".


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