So yeah, that's very wordy. And it's not even complete...

So what's the subject? As I said, I'm putting together my pitch so that people understand why I want to sketchnote people 's vibe.

I've started writing on my tablet but I felt like I needed to get to the analog to see the progression of the story... and writing on small post-it like format helped a bit more. I just would like to improve my sketchnote skills so it can be more visual even as I draft it.

Dan Roam helps "explain complex things by drawing them out". So rather than having the drawing as an aftermath (as I do here) he uses it from the start.

Let just say that I need to buy his books...

For now, I need to finish the last phases and then make a sketchnote for each step.

When this is done I'll write a full post on this service.

I'm actually excited to propose it.

I will talk about it very soon.

In the meantime keep vibing. ?

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Coaching Learning