This question seems weird to ask, but when you have had 20+ years practice of body massage, like I've had with people showing me links between what their bodies expressed and their frame of mind... and when your own body is actually shouting at you unable to sleep at night, feeling restless and experiencing some degree of pain like how I have been feeling I would totally say that yes... it is indeed an expression of who I am.

But who I am is defined by what? A body expresses someone psyche, e-motions, their thought-processes. So what is showing up is the embodiment of the beliefs it carry through the way its moves, it breathes, it interacts with their environment and others...

But I have also saw and felt like a misalignment and separation from one's body throughout my practice and my own personal experience. Maybe we identify and define ourselves with what is not our Selves: Our beliefs. I think that I have totally identified with mine...

Those constructs have created the reality I am in now while at the same time feeling conflicted with this reality. Rebecca Teeter has beautifully articulated the notion of Perfect Pictures in her blog post and if I understand correctly it is the unconscious, idealized and immaculate version of our inner desires. Those are created as a reaction to painful events that set us up to search for an experience that we hope will be freed from pain.
There is nothing wrong with that. Oftentimes, it is the way we have learned to cope and protect ourselves. The only issue is that we may avoid going through what would help us grow...

From the beautiful exchanges I've had with my entourage I'm exploring the fact that we may be so much more than our beliefs and that the core potential is also there too as well as its strength, skills, abilities, life-force, inner beauty and power.

I wonder what it would feel like to feel more and more integrated. Thanks to Rebecca and to my coach who are showing me how to be observant and learn to reconnect to my Self, I can draw upon some tools to explore that further.

I feel a lot of gratitude that I can have those deep conversations and explore that route.

Feeling blessed. ?