Disclaimer: Mia authorized me to share the following with you although no personal account of her life are being talked about. The focus is on how we worked and my own process.

I hope you will find value in what you're about to read.

As some of you know I am working hard at creating offers where sketchnoting will strengthen my coaching practice. And thanks to a beautiful person named Mia who has accepted to go on this (crazy deep) ride with me, I have been able to look at my workflow, clarify my process and pinpoint where I need to improve. And also if this is the right approach for me. I can say it right here: I am very excited about doing all this!

At first, I asked Mia to be my guinea pigs for "just" a small session of coaching on specific points with a small sketchnote from that... Nothing fancy, a quick thing to offer, like cheap and easy to do...


It became something a biiit... bigger. ?

And to be honest, I absolutely... looove that! I feel that this speaks more to me right now. I'm not excluding doing a quick sketchnote with say for example "the 3 takeaways of your quick spark" or something similar but when I see what a deep dive can do (both within a coaching session and after), it definitely feels right to do it this way. The great thing is that a lot is covered in a short amount of time...

With Mia's willingness to dive in, we did indeed covered a lot of ground for this first session: we looked at her past personal and work experience, history, upbringing and how she felt about herself, her talents, beliefs, etc... we gathered the data, re-enchanted some parts on the spot and made some connections, which was already valuable for her.

I took notes during it, then I went on to work on my own and meditate on it, worked on the connection and the meaning, reviewed Mia's internal "logic", added more insights and notes, did some back and forth between texts, drawings, analog, digital... Until I got something I felt I could send where it belonged (Mia ?)... To be honest I sensed something was missing but I couldn't quite tell what it was... I had my doubts though. The piece in itself was great and very needed at this stage so it served its purpose. This very dense, powerful and enlightened 2nd session helped integrate the sketchnote, raised awareness and also cleared the doubts I had: her approach, her vibe and philosophy was not there... And that's normal, we didn't yet address it...

Here is the finalized piece after the reviews of the 2nd session:

As she asked for more ?, we did another session (the 3rd). And there, we had an ever deeper look at her resources and - most of all - her way of doing things which is so beautiful and so powerful!

I often get a bit of a stage fright when I go on coaching sessions but it generally disappears within a minute. Here I wanted to mentalize less and use a skill I developed overtime through my practice of the healing arts and coaching. Those are what I call intuitive or resonant feedback,  and it sure helped during the session as we got closer to the essence of what she does, her core motivation to do what she does, and the way she does it. ?

What also helped was to write what came through just before I spoke with her: "My responsability is to be present & opened, the rest will take care of itself, it's gonna be okay, trust it" And "trust" is an important part of Mia's Point Of View so that was uncanny.

Even though I needed to go over the same steps (processing what has been said, reviewing the notes, manipulating them, finding the connection and deep diving for insights,... in order to create the visual) it felt slightly quicker and again deeper.

Then I took some time off, chilled out and walked while thinking about Mia. When I got an impulse, the seed of something, I drew it and wrote down some ideas on a small analog notebook... I also had a chat with the part of me who felt like an impostor (yep that famous impostor syndrome!), let it say its thing and put it on the passenger seat. When that was done, I was able to get in that flow.

And after 2 sitting of drawing I was able to finish the piece. I sent it to Mia who recognized herself in it.

Here is it:

We still need to meet to integrate all that and it is quite possible that some changes will improve the overall.

I will tell you how it went (I might do it here and edit this page).

Thank a lot for reading through the end.

And in the meantime, shine your beautiful creative ✨vibe✨.